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» Daftar Site Google Seluruh Dunia
Daftar Site Google Seluruh Dunia
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Tahukan Google itu :D
Google merupakan search engine yang paling ''Banyak'' digunakan orang untuk mencari Informasi-informasi yg di inginkan
Google juga merupakan
mesin pencari (Search Engine) sekaligus merupakan perusahaan Raksasa yang memiliki pengaruh terbesar saat ini di dunia maya.
Berikut adalah daftar Site/alamat google yang terdapat di Seluruh Dunia :
USA (.com) http://www.google.com
Afghanistan (.com.af) http://www.google.com.af
American Samoa (.as) http://www.google.As
Anguilla (.off.ai) http://www.google.off.ai
Antigua and Barbuda (.com.ag) http://www.google.com.ag
Argentina (.com.ar) http://www.google.com.ar
Armenia (.am) http://www.google.am
Australia (.com.au) http://www.google.com.au
Austria (.at) http://www.google.at
Azerbaijan (.az) http://www.google.az
Bahrain (.com.bh) http://www.google.com.bh
Bangladesh (.com.bd) http://www.google.com.bd
Belgium (.be) http://www.google.be
Belize (.com.bz) http://www.google.com.bz
Bolivia (.com.bo) http://www.google.com.bo
Bosnia and Herzegovina (.ba) http://www.google.ba
Botswana (.co.bw) http://www.google.co.bw
Brazil (.com.br) http://www.google.com.br
British Virgin Islands (.vg) http://www.google.vg
Bulgaria (.bg) http://www.google.bg
Burundi (.bi) http://www.google.bi
Canada (.ca) http://www.google.ca
Chile (.cl) http://www.google.cl
China (.cn) http://www.google.cn
Colombia (.com.co) http://www.google.com.co
Congo, Democratic Republic of the (.cd) http://www.google.cd
Congo, Republic of the (.cg) http://www.google.cg
Cook Islands (.co.ck) http://www.google.co.ck
Costa Rica (.co.cr) http://www.google.co.cr
Croatia (.hr) http://www.google.hr
Cuba (.com.cu) http://www.google.com.cu
Czech Republic (.cz) http://www.google.cz
Cote dCase Ivoire (.ci) http://www.google.ci
Denmark (.dk) http://www.google.dk
Djibouti (.dj) http://www.google.dj
Dominica (.dm) http://www.google.dm
Dominican Republic (.com.do) http://www.google.com.do
Ecuador (.com.ec) http://www.google.com.ec
Egypt (.com.eg) http://www.google.com.eg
El Salvador (.com.sv) http://www.google.com.sv
Estonia (.ee) http://www.google.ee
Ethiopia (.com.et) http://www.google.com.et
Ethiopia (.com.et) http://www.google.com.et
Fiji (.com.fj) http://www.google.com.fj
Finland (.fi) http://www.google.fi
France (.fr) http://www.google.fr
Gambia (.gm) http://www.google.gm
Germany (.de) http://www.google.de
Gibraltar (.com.gi) http://www.google.com.gi
Greece (.com.gr) http://www.google.com.gr
Greenland (.gl) http://www.google.gl
Guatemala (.com.gt) http://www.google.com.gt
Guernsey (.gg) http://www.google.gg
Haiti (.ht) http://www.google.ht
Honduras (.hn) http://www.google.hn
Hong Kong (.com.hk) http://www.google.com.hk
Hungary (.hu) http://www.google.hu
Iceland (.is) http://www.google.is
India (.co.in) http://www.google.co.in
Indonesia (.co.id) http://www.google.co.id
Ireland (.ie) http://www.google.ie
Isle of Man (.co.im) http://www.google.co.im
Israel (.co.il) http://www.google.co.il
Italy (.it) http://www.google.it
Jamaica (.com.im) http://www.google.com.im
Japan (.co.jp) http://www.google.co.jp
Jersey (.co.je) http://www.google.co.je
Jordan (.jo) http://www.google.jo
Kazakhstan (.kz) http://www.google.kz
Kenya (.co.ke) http://www.google.co.ke
Kyrgyzstan (.kg) http://www.google.kg
Latvia (.lv) http://www.google.lv
Lesotho (.co.ls) http://www.google.co.ls
Libya (.com.ly) http://www.google.co.ly
Liechtenstein (.li) http://www.google.li
Lithuania (.lt) http://www.google.lt
Luxembourg (.lu) http://www.google.lu
Malawi (.mw) http://www.google.mw
Malaysia (.com.my) http://www.google.com.my
Malta (.com.mt) http://www.google.com.mt
Mauritius (.mu) http://www.google.mu
Mexico (.com.mx) http://www.google.com.mx
Micronesia (.fm) http://www.google.fm
Mongolia (.mn) http://www.google.mn
Montserrat (.ms) http://www.google.ms
Morocco (.co.ma) http://www.google.co.ma
Namibia (.com.na) http://www.google.com.na
Nepal (.com.np) http://www.google.com.np
Netherlands (.nl) http://www.google.nl
New Zealand (.co.nz) http://www.google.co.nz
Nicaragua (.com.ni) http://www.google.com.ni
Norfolk Island (.com.nf) http://www.google.com.nf
Norway (.no) http://www.google.no
Oman (.com.om) http://www.google.com.om
Pakistan (.com.pk) http://www.google.com.pk
Panama (.com.pa) http://www.google.com.pa
Paraguay (.com.py) http://www.google.com.py
Peru (.com.pe) http://www.google.com.pe
Philippines (.com.ph) http://www.google.com.ph
Pitcairn (.pn) http://www.google.com.pn
Poland (.pl) http://www.google.pl
Portugal (.pt) http://www.google.pt
Puerto Rico (.com.pr) http://www.google.com.pr
Qatar (.com.qa) http://www.google.com.qa
Romania (.ro) http://www.google.ro
Russia (.ru) http://www.google.ru
Rwanda (.rw) http://www.google.rw
Saint Helena (.sh) http://www.google.sh
San Marino (.sm) http://www.google.sm
Saudi Arabia (.com.sa) http://www.google.com.sa
Senegal (.sn) http://www.google.sn
Seychelles (.sc) http://www.google.sc
Singapore (.com.sg) http://www.google.com.sg
Slovakia (.sk) http://www.google.sk
Slovenia (.si) http://www.google.si
South Africa (.co.za) http://www.google.co.za
South Korea (.co.kr) http://www.google.co.kr
Spain (.es) http://www.google.es
Sri Lanka (.lk) http://www.google.lk
St.Vincent and the Grenadines (.com.vc) http://www.google.com.vc
Sweden (.se) http://www.google.se
Switzerland (.ch) http://www.google.ch
Taiwan (.com.tw) http://www.google.com.tw
Tajikistan (.com.tj) http://www.google.com.tj
Thailand (.co.th) http://www.google.co.th
The Bahamas (.bs) http://www.google.bs
Tonga (.to) http://www.google.to
Trinidad and Tobago (.tt) http://www.google.tt
Turkey (.com.tr) http://www.google.com.tr
Turkmenistan (.tm) http://www.google.tm
U.S. Virgin Islands (.co.vi) http://www.google.co.vi
Uganda (.co.ug) http://www.google.co.ug
Ukraine (.com.ua) http://www.google.com.ua
United Arab Emirates (.ae) http://www.google.ae
United Kingdom (.co.uk) http://www.google.co.uk
Uruguay (.com.uy) http://www.google.com.uy
Uzbekistan (.co.uz) http://www.google.co.uz
Venezuela (.co.ve) http://www.google.co.ve
Vietnam (.com.vn) http://www.google.com.vn
Zambia (.co.zm) http://www.google.co.zm
Lumayan banyak kan :D
Sekian dulu. Semoga bisa membantu .
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